


Exploring the History, Culture and Creation of House 音乐

Anabel Rose Awewonno Kubabom ’21; Advisor: Thomas Flaherty

My research sought out to discover the history, culture and creation process behind dance genre of house music. 我用了文学研究的方法, 视频面试, 访问house音乐俱乐部和数字音频工作站的使用,以进行我的研究. I also signed up for an online music production tutorial from world-renowned house music DJ, 阿明·范布伦. 豪斯音乐诞生于80年代, 在迪斯科的死亡之后,在芝加哥的地下音乐现场非常受欢迎,然后传播到海外的伦敦, with many subgenres being created as the years went on and its influence grew. 对于听众和制作人来说,House音乐是一种代表性别和种族平等的音乐类型. It is described as having a spiritual effect on listeners, evoking euphoria which is often enhanced with psychedelic drugs. 亚类型的创造, 渐进式浩室, pushed house music into the mainstream with DJs that are constantly on the music charts. The underground music scene is however, still going strong. 通过创作我自己的house音乐作品,我能够理解在house这个大保护伞下的许多子流派之间的细微差别. 我也能够欣赏到每一个乐器和声音的重要性,这些乐器和声音都是为了创作一个完整的音乐作品,并在一组现场表演这些歌曲, in the age of technology and the rise of electronic music.

Moving With The Steel Guitar, Theorizing 音乐al Motion

Sebastian Naehu-Ramos ’21; Advisor: Joti Rockwell

传统上,音乐理论受到一种元素观点的限制,这种观点认为音乐是由一系列离散元素组成的. 和弦进行, 节奏持续的模式, 在钢琴上演奏或在西方五线谱上标记的一系列旋律音高反映了这种观点, which fails to fully characterize how music moves. This project adopts a perspective based more on performance and ideas of continuity, 它通过考虑和分析可能是音乐中最典型的连续复调乐器:钢吉他的声音,重新定义了音乐运动. 软件辅助分析和录音的转录特征钢吉他手提请注意几个概念暗示音乐运动理论, 包括离职, 方法, “漂浮,并在原地移动. 这种理论的核心是触觉感知的概念——一种解释模式,听众和表演者根据乐器产生声音的方式来关注和想象音乐感觉的各个方面.


Kate Bolonnikova ’21; Advisor: Thomas Flaherty

调制, 更换钥匙, or of tonal center are some of the many ways of describing tonal motion in music. 不像响度或质地, tonality is unique to music – hence its manipulation is a primary composition tool, with modulations spanning both related and distant keys. 然而,直觉上认为任何远键调制都可以以相同的频率向任何一个方向进行, a brief observation shows that most pieces modulate up, 而不是向下. 自, 意料之中的是, related-key motion provides little “tonal tension” as defined by Lerdahl and Jackendoff, it is the distant-key modulations that will most likely affect one psychologically. 与勒达尔的模型一致, excerpts modulating down were often associated with notable reception by the community (e.g. Gershwin declaring he wished he had written the bridge of Ellington’s “Sophisticated Lady”), or contextual connotations of an unexpected or anticlimactic resolution of events (e.g. portrayal of death in Shore’s “Lord of the Rings” score). Compositional techniques accompanying downward modulation differ between classical and pop, which provided food for compositional experimentation. Works such as Ravel’s Concerto in G and Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto no. 2 make use of orchestration techniques (textural layering, instrumentation, etc.)来平滑音调的过渡. 然而, 流行的过渡, 就像《皇冠体育》一样, 通常没有音乐缓冲吗.

Composing Philosophy in Truth: A Song Cycle in 7 Movements

Oliver Dubon ’20; Advisor: Thomas Flaherty

这个项目是一个大约25分钟的音乐作品,将关于“真理”这个主题的几个哲学思想谱成音乐.因为真理的历史太长太广,即使是数小时的音乐也无法涵盖, this composition covers only the modern discussion of truth, touching on many topics which arose in the 20th century. 这部作品的结构是五个乐章,它们构成了音乐材料的主体,并以序言和尾声结尾. 前言来自亚里士多德的《形而上学, 结语摘自最近两次对政客的采访,内容涉及特别检察官对俄罗斯干预2016年大选的调查. By setting these two texts as the opening and ending of this song cycle, 我希望对21世纪媒体讨论客观真理和现实的方式提出质疑, 并指出这个项目中哲学家的细微差别,作为批判性思维的榜样.

最后一乐章, (Post)真理, 于7月26日在缅因州沃特维尔的大西洋音乐节上作为独立作品首演. The premiere of the full cycle will take place on October 25th in Lyman Hall of 音乐.


Preserving History/Promoting an Art Form: the Black Spiritual and the Albert J. 洛杉矶麦克尼尔·朱比利歌手

Jeremy Taylor ’18; Mentor: Donna Di Grazia

The purpose of this project is to bring attention to the efforts of Albert J. 麦克尼尔公司, 国际公认的合唱指挥, 在20世纪后期和21世纪初保护和促进黑人精神作为美国历史上重要的艺术形式. One of the most widely recognized bodies of American folk song, the Black spiritual is considered by 麦克尼尔公司 as “the classic music of Black people” (麦克尼尔公司, 1992), 也是美国历史上不可或缺的一部分. 麦克尼尔公司 has shared this art form with the world since 1968 with his professional ensemble, the Albert 洛杉矶麦克尼尔·朱比利歌手, which is modeled after the famous 19th-century ensemble, 菲斯克大学庆典歌手(est .. 1871). 麦克尼尔举办了以非洲裔美国人音乐为中心的音乐会节目,其中包括对美国音乐声音至关重要的黑人精神和随后的非洲裔美国人流派的安排. 在我们项目的这个阶段, which we expect will eventually lead to a co-authored article, 我们建立了一个初步的书目, articles and videos related to 麦克尼尔公司’s life and ensemble, as well as to the history of the Black spiritual in America since Emancipation; we located historical documents connected with 麦克尼尔公司’s ensemble, we developed interview questions that would allow us to examine the philosophical goals of 麦克尼尔公司’s founding of the AJM Jubilee Singers as a historical link to the Fisk Jubilee Singers; and we interviewed Dr. 麦克尼尔公司.
资金来源:Cion Estate SURP Fund

Visual Development in Early European Ecclesiastical 音乐al Manuscripts

Peter Davis ’19; Mentor: Donna Di Grazia

几个世纪以来, 神学家和学者都研究了早期的手稿,以了解早期教会音乐的某些方面:它的起源, 礼拜仪式的用法, 以及它的定义符号特征. My task was to build on this knowledge and look in a new direction. I examined 26 ecclesiastical music manuscripts produced in England, 法国, Germany and Spain between 850 and 1300 CE that have been preserved in the British Library. 在这些作品中, I paid particular attention to the visual interaction between text and musical notation. 在伦敦, 我亲自检查了每一份手稿, noting the salient visual characteristics that I could observe, including the horizontal spacing of text and music, details of decorations used in notated sections, and the varying sizes of texts that appeared and without notation. 很明显,这些作品中许多视觉上的发展都是音乐符号和伴随它的文本之间关系的结果. 这种关系有着深厚的根基, 因为最早的欧洲音乐记谱法很可能来源于法语文本的重音. 几个世纪以来, 视觉上的“协商”仍在继续,文士们努力将文字和音乐结合起来,同时保持这些手稿如此珍贵的艺术精度. 我发现在同一空间中设置文本和音乐元素的格式通常是一件非常困难的事情, and efforts to do so led to lasting developments and fascinating anomalies.
资金来源:Cion Estate SURP Fund

The 皇冠体育大学 Choral Program: 130 Years of 音乐-Making

Matthew Cook ’20; Mentor: Donna Di Grazia

A strong choral program has always been a part of 皇冠体育大学. The institution is home to the first Glee Club west of the Mississippi (Di Grazia, 2013), 南加州教育机构第一个表演大型作品的合唱团(斯旺), 1952), and the first women’s glee club on the West Coast (Brackett, 1944). Although the College went through many directors in its first 15 years in existence, Fred Bacon’s leadership (1903-17) offered stability. 拉尔夫·莱曼(1917- 1948)与人共同创立了现在的太平洋西南校际合唱协会,延续了他辉煌的音乐创作历史, in 1932, winning the national men’s glee club competition in St. Louis against NYU, Yale, Penn State, and others. 从1950年代开始, 威廉·罗素(1951-82), 乔恩·贝利(1982-98)和唐娜·迪·格拉齐亚(1998-至今)继续在学院合唱团和合唱团中保持着卓越的传统. The Glee Club has toured annually nearly every year since its founding in 1892. 近年来, the purpose of touring has been both educational and as a form of community outreach, 传播音乐创作的乐趣,扩大歌手和观众对合唱艺术的接触, 在它的音乐会上, 学校的交流, 退休社区表演. Next summer I will look deeper into how the ensembles have changed over time, 他们的曲目, and their place in the overall history of the College, 克莱蒙特和南加州.