

We welcome any potential math majors to the department. If you haven't declared math yet but would like to get emails about our events, please 电子邮件Liz Gutierrez 写着你的全名和年级. If you are a potential math major and would like to be on our poster, please submit a high resolution photo to Liz early in the fall semester.

2023 - 2024年的联络人

米利暗Anyagafu, 24岁

嘿,你们! 我叫Mimi Anyagafu! 我来自德克萨斯州的休斯顿. I am a senior majoring in economics, with a double-minor in math and theatre. 从小就开始, I’ve considered math to be a beautiful machine that’s woven into every facet of our society. To say the least, being able to work with such intelligent and supportive professors is an honor. 展望未来, I hope to curate a space for collaboration across other departments that would foster interdisciplinary growth perfect for our liberal arts college as well as organize regular department events and outreach programs specifically designed to attract a more diverse student body. 我期待着与大家一起工作. 你可以随意拦住我说声“嗨”!

卡琳娜Behera, 25岁

你好,每个人! My name is Karina, and I'm a junior on the Pure Math track. When I came to 皇冠体育, I was interested in math but not really sure about the major. After being a part of the math community on campus (going to mentor sessions, 与其他数学学生会面, 与教授交流, 甚至做研究), 我现在非常确定主修这门学科. In the future, I hope to continue pursuing math and eventually get a Ph.D.

数学之外, 我热爱艺术创作, 看电影, 跳舞, 尝试新食物, 还有去海滩!

我很高兴今年能成为联络员, and I can't wait to share the positivity and warmth of the math department. I look forward to talking with you about math, movies, and everything in between!

Ari Benveniste, 25岁

你好! 我叫Ari Benveniste. I’m a junior at 皇冠体育 from Washington, DC and a math major on the Pure Math Track. 我对所有纯数学都很感兴趣, but my main 研究 interests are in analysis and graph theory. 这学期能做你的联络人我超级兴奋. My main reason for majoring in math is the sense of community in the department, so I am looking forward to seeing everyone at math/stats lunch and math snack this coming year.

Outside of academics, I play soccer on the 克莱蒙特 club team, run, swim, and read. Feel free to say hi if you see me around, and I’m happy to chat about anything, math or non-math!


你好人! 我叫Emrys(他/他), and I am so excited to be one of the liaisons for the math and stats department this year. 我在麦迪逊长大, 威斯康辛州, 我在伯明翰上的高中, 阿拉巴马州, and currently spend my time away from school in the Chicago area. 我是普通轨道数学专业的大三学生, and I am also pursuing a minor or double major in Spanish. 我有各种各样的数学兴趣, but most recently I’ve been enjoying applications of mathematics to physics and modelling social networks with graphs.

My favorite part of the math department is its community — and I’m so glad you’re a part of it! 我想和你谈谈选课的问题, 研究, 夏天的机会, 建议, 一个有趣的问题, 在克莱蒙特的生活, 或者任何想到的东西. 我希望很快能在数学系的活动上见到你!

Filiana Kostopoulou, 26岁

大家好! My name is Filiana Kostopoulou and I am from Thessaloniki, Greece. I am a sophomore double majoring in Mathematics and Economics. I am thinking of following the pure track but I definitely have time to decide. Outside math, I play rugby, I take harp lessons, I love hiking, camping and late-night talks. 

I decided to major in mathematics my first semester in college because I fell in love with linear algebra and the math department. I love working with people and mentor sessions is my favorite part of my classes. I am a very social person and always happy to talk so feel free to stop me on campus or stop by at the math table. 


大家好!! My name is Ava Spiegler and I am a sophomore molecular biology and math double major. I am really passionate about the intersection of these two subjects in biotechnology and am planning on pursuing a PhD after I graduate to learn more about how to harness rapidly growing developments and our natural bodily mechanisms to cure the incurable. 

Although I didn’t come into 皇冠体育 intending to pursue a math major, 在我第一堂数学课之后, I felt so welcomed by the department and fascinated by the subject that I knew I had to do more! 每一个人, 学生和教师都一样, are so collaborative in nature and both academically and worldly curious that it is truly inspiring just to spend time in Estella (which I do a lot of!). 作为数学联络员, I hope to do what I can do to continue fostering the inclusive and exciting environment that the math department has offered to me already. 

Outside of the math department, I am also really involved across the street at Seaver! 我是健康前联络员, 如果有任何健康前的问题请来找我, 我是一名化学导师和评分员, so same goes for chemistry or any STEM advice I can give! 我喜欢花时间与我的朋友和家人, 旅行, 阅读, 学习新事物, and I would love to connect with any and all of you so please don’t hesitate to reach out about anything - math or not! 


The student chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics at 皇冠体育大学 strives for gender equity in mathematics by coordinating resource-sharing and community-building events. Recent highlights include technical workshops on mathematical programming languages, 参加AWM研究研讨会, 还有和特别嘉宾的主题午餐. 今年, the agenda will also include discussions on equity and inclusiveness in mathematics, student panels on topics such as 研究 and post-graduate opportunities, 专业发展活动, 和更多的! Anyone is welcome to get involved by reaching out to us through 脸谱网--be sure to like our page!