
Many of our most common communication mediums have very easy steps to make sure that your content is accessible. When creating any digital content it’s very important to remember that some members of your audience may be accessing your content through the use of a screen reader, 哪个向用户读取您的内容. Others may be unable to use a mouse, and may be utilizing the keyboard to work through your content. You can make your content accessible to assistive technologies and methods such as these by following some basic steps. 



Email is a medium where people may be utilizing screen readers to read the content to the person.


虽然图像可以在电子邮件中添加视觉效果, it’s important to make sure that images are only used for decorative effect, 不要包含重要信息. 必须为任何图像提供替代文本(“alt”文本). If the image is not a link, it should be descriptive of what is in the image. 如果图像用作链接, the alternative text should describe where the person will be taken by following the link.

Alternative text is a few word description that is useful to those that cannot see the image, but there are many types of visual impairments where users will not be accessing the alternative text, 因此,信息内容不应该放在图像中. 如果你想包括一个事件的传单的图像, that is OK as long as all of the text in the image is also repeated in the email body as text.

不应该使用动画gif. 如果一定要使用,它的动画不能超过5秒. This means it must be set to animate for five seconds or less, and it must be set to not repeat.


给邮件添加颜色可以增加风格, but it’s important to make sure there is a high level of contrast between text and its background. Putting black text on a gray background would cause issues for those with certain visual impairments. 你可以用 WebAIM的颜色对比检查工具 来判断你的颜色对比是否足够好. 此站点使用十六进制值表示颜色,您可以使用 W3schools的颜色转换器 求出颜色的十六进制等效值.


Larger fonts should be used in email to accommodate visually impaired users. 文字应该是14点或更高.

文本应该尽可能保持简洁和易于阅读. 大量的文本会让你的内容更难理解.

不使用下划线. 下划线会自动应用于内容中的任何链接, 因此,在常规文本中添加下划线可能会让用户感到困惑.



It's important that you do not use the same link text for multiple links/按钮 that take the user to different places.









你应该避免诸如“点击这里”之类的文本或显示完整的url. The text that is linked should be describing where the link will take the user.


缺点: 点击这里 更多关于熊如何睡觉的信息.

坏消息:了解更多熊是如何睡觉的。 http://www.例子.com

好:了解更多关于 熊是怎么睡觉的?.

If you’re linking to a document, it’s a best practice to indicate the type of document in the link.

了解更多关于 熊是如何睡觉的[pdf].


The College has minimized use on the website of documents such as PDFs, Word documents, 等., 但在学院认为有必要的情况下, documents from Microsoft Office and the Adobe Suite can be made much more accessible by properly following a number of techniques. Properly utilizing headings, and making sure to not include text heavy images, will go a long way. We’ve included a number of resources below to make sure your documents can be accessed by everyone.

Adobe PDF

Please note that scanned documents are not accessible unless they’ve been processed by optical character recognition (OCR) software, 并且已经被人类验证是正确识别的. A scan of a book or article just puts a large image into the PDF and someone with visual impairments will not be able to access the content.

pdf可以从许多程序创建, and a quick test to make sure that your PDF has at least basic accessibility is to try to highlight the text by clicking and dragging over text with your mouse. If you can’t select the text, your document is not accessible in any way.

Microsoft Excel




All videos from the College (both public and instructional) must include accurate closed captioning. This allows those with certain impairments to still receive the audio content that they would otherwise miss.

直播视频可以使用自动字幕, but an on-demand version cannot be made available until human created/verified captions are included.

Important information cannot be solely included in the visuals of a video. If closing your eyes during the video would cause a loss of important information, 该视频将不符合无障碍要求.

It’s important that before starting on any video project that these issues are factored in to the timing and production of the video.

请联系您工作的办公室来发布您的视频内容, 杰夫·兴通讯 or 资讯科技服务部服务台,了解如何最好地为你的视频配上字幕.


The College’s website content management systems (CMS) are setup to automate many accessibility enhancements, and the College is always undertaking steps to improve on those methods to reach WCAG 2.1 AA标准.

即使在CMS中有适当的流程, there are things website editors need to do within their own content to make sure their pages are accessible.


文本应该尽可能保持简洁和易于阅读. 大量的文本会让你的内容更难理解.

不使用下划线. 下划线会自动应用于内容中的任何链接, 因此,在常规文本中添加下划线可能会让用户感到困惑.

Using all capital letters should not be used for sentences or paragraphs. 这可能会使某些用户难以阅读文本.


It’s important to make sure there is a high level of contrast between text and its background. 颜色由皇冠体育学院网站样式表预先确定, 我们已经确保所有的默认文本, 按钮, 等. 使用足够的对比度. It is possible, though, that you could have an image that has a small amount of text in it.  If your image has black text on a gray background it would cause issues for those with certain visual impairments. 你可以用 WebAIM的颜色对比检查工具 来判断你的颜色对比是否足够好. 此站点使用十六进制值表示颜色,您可以使用 W3schools的颜色转换器 求出颜色的十六进制等效值.


虽然图像可以为网页添加视觉效果, it’s important to make sure that images are only used for decorative effect, 不要包含重要信息. 必须为任何图像提供替代文本(“alt”文本). If the image is not a link, it should be descriptive of what is in the image. 如果图像用作链接, the alternative text should describe where the person will be taken by following the link.

Alternative text is a few word description that is useful to those that cannot see the image, but there are many types of visual impairments where users will not be accessing the alternative text, 因此,信息内容不应该放在图像中. 如果你想包括一个事件的传单的图像, that is OK as long as all of the text in the image is also repeated in the email body as text.

不应该使用动画gif. 如果一定要使用,它的动画不能超过5秒. This means it must be set to animate for five seconds or less, and it must be set to not repeat.


网站使用标题来指示页面内的部分. 网页使用的标题有六种, 1号到6号, 标题一是最重要的标题, 其他标题表示主标题的子标题.

Our CMSs are setup to use the page’s title as the heading one (and you should never add additional heading ones) but it’s important that any subsections be heading twos, 标题2中的任何子节都应该使用标题3, 等. 在适当的层次结构中使用标题是非常重要的. 下面列出了带有标签的标题,只是为了说明层次结构, 但在实际的网站上,你不会看到标题缩进.









标题将自动使用学院的样式, so it’s important to not try to indicate your own headings by utilizing the bold button in the editor. 标题将自动调整为正确的大小/粗细.



It's important that you do not use the same link text a single page for multiple links/按钮 that take the user to different places.









你应该避免诸如“点击这里”之类的文本或显示完整的url. The text that is linked should be describing where the link will take the user.


缺点: 点击这里 更多关于熊如何睡觉的信息.

坏消息:了解更多熊是如何睡觉的。 http://www.例子.com

好:了解更多关于 熊是怎么睡觉的?.

If you’re linking to a document, it’s a best practice to indicate the type of document in the link.

了解更多关于 熊是如何睡觉的[pdf].