ITS Purchasing

All technology hardware and software purchases must be approved in advance by ITS. 所有技术硬件和软件采购将通过ITS部门进行协调.


  • Desktop computers made by any manufacturer
  • Laptop computers made by any manufacturer
  • Printers and copiers made by any manufacturer
  • Monitors made by any manufacturer
  • Tablets made by any manufacturer
  • Technology Leases
  • Purchases of enterprise software, such as Adobe Creative Cloud, Office, or any other piece of software


  • 安全/加密能力:设备是否具有可信任的平台模块芯片,用于基于硬件的数据加密. All devices purchased with college funds must have this capability.
  • Warranty/Manufacturer Support: Equipment must be new, not refurbished or used.
  • 与部门建议的一致性:设备是否符合学院对笔记本电脑的技术规范, desktops, or other technology?
  • 与中央和部门信息系统的兼容性:是与现有皇冠体育学院系统兼容的设备, networks, and applications?
  • 制造商声誉和购买政策:设备是否来自信誉良好的制造商? 该制造商(或合适的渠道合作伙伴)与皇冠体育学院有关系吗?

It is important to note that even if an item meets the above characteristics, it may still be prohibited for other reasons. ITS将始终提供指导,并与部门合作,使采购符合这些标准,并满足部门的技术需求.

在这些指导方针之外购买的设备将不允许连接到皇冠体育系统, and IT, unfortunately, cannot support them. 违反此政策的个人或部门可能会受到副总裁或财务部门决定的额外限制和行动.


所有被购买和下载到任何皇冠体育计算机设备的软件需要一个协议,由审查 Technology Solutions Review Process.

If you reside within a department supported by Pomona IT, all purchases of computer hardware, software audio-visual, and other substantial peripherals must be approved before purchase by our office. To submit an order for new hardware or software or to obtain a quote for either item, please submit a service request.


PC Desktop

Pomona ITS recommends using Dell's OptiPlex 7000 line for desktop computing needs. The specific model number of OptiPlex depends on Dell's latest release cycle, although Pomona IT officially supports the full OptiPlex line of desktop computers.

Dell OptiPlex desktops can be customized in standard and high-performance models. 根据您或您的部门的独特需求,计算机的各种形状因素可供选择. We recommend an i7 chipset, 16GB of RAM, and 512 or 1 TB storage SSD. Pomona always purchases four years of Dell Warranty for all Dell devices.

PC Laptops

Pomona ITS建议使用戴尔的Latitude系列笔记本电脑来满足移动计算需求. The specific model of the 14" Latitude laptop depends on Dell's latest release cycle, 尽管皇冠体育IT公司正式支持完整的Latitude系列台式电脑. 纬度系列笔记本电脑也符合皇冠体育大学的强制性移动设备加密要求.

Dell Latitude laptops can be customized in standard and high-performance models. Various options, from display size to video output ports, 也可以根据您或您部门的独特需求进行配置. We recommend the i7 chipset, 16GB of RAM, and 512 or 1 TB of SSD storage. Pomona always purchases four years of Dell Warranty for all Dell devices.

MAC Desktops

Pomona ITS recommends using Apple's 24" iMac for desktop computing needs. The specific model number and specifications depend on Apple’s latest release cycle. We recommend 16GB of RAM and 512 or 1 TB storage SSD. Pomona always purchases four years of AppleCare for all Apple desktop devices.

MAC Laptops

Pomona ITS recommends using the 14" Apple MacBook Pro for mobile computing needs. The specific model depends on Apple's release cycle. We recommend a minimum of 16GB of RAM and 512 or 1 TB of storage. Pomona always purchases four years of AppleCare for all Apple laptop devices.


We support and purchase Android, Apple, and Microsoft Tablets. Funding for these items usually comes from the requesting department. Pomona typically purchases a minimum of a 2-year warranty on tablets. In the case of a Surface, that is a four-year warranty. 财务处不会报销或支付任何移动设备或平板电脑的手机服务费用.

Recommended Monitors

Pomona IT recommends the use of Dell UltraSharp monitors. 这些显示器提供优秀的图像质量,适合大多数桌面应用程序. 显示器也有几种尺寸,这取决于你或你的部门的需要.

Recommended Printers and Copiers

Pomona ITS recommends the use of HP printers and Canon multifunction copiers. The specific model and type of printer depend on the department's desired features. Pomona IT可以根据部门对打印质量选项的需求推荐特定的打印机, color or black and white prints, sizing and space available, the number of intended users, and the estimated printer usage, budget, and other relevant usage or formatting factors.

All Canon copiers are on a five-year lease, 所有的维修费和调色费都包含在每月的租金中.

Recommended Operating Systems

Pomona ITS officially supports Windows 10 and Mac OS X. For security purposes and software compatibility, 我们建议新设备安装最新版本的Windows或Max OS X. Specialized ITS teams have a thorough knowledge of Linux and other operating systems.

Hardware Warranty information

All Apple and Dell computers are purchased with a four-year warranty. 如果计算设备有问题,请与ITS服务台联系. After ITS staff diagnoses a problem, they may contact the manufacturer to arrange an on-site repair, typically in the ITS building.

Staff and Faculty Hardware Eligibility



  • 新的全职和兼职长期员工有资格获得台式电脑或带坞座的笔记本电脑, mouse and keyboard, and one 24"Dell monitor.
  • 有限期的临时工作人员将获发一台电脑供其临时雇用之用.
  • 新员工接任现有职位通常会继承前任的电脑设置. The hiring department may fund a new machine purchased through ITS.
  • Student employees/workers are not eligible for a college-issued computer. 学院不会为学生雇员购买新机器提供资助. 
  • The hiring department typically funds brand-new staff positions' computing equipment. The purchased equipment then gets added into our four-year replacement cycle. Please plan your budget accordingly to meet the new employees' needs. 


Faculty are provided computers based on their role and contract with the College.

  • ITS工作人员将联系新的终身职位,在他们到达校园之前讨论他们的计算机需求. That discussion may include configuration details, the need for an extra monitor or a printer, and negotiated research computing needs.

  • 聘用和合同超过两年的教员将获得一台新的标准计算机. This included visiting assistant professors. Faculty may choose between Apple and Windows devices.

  • 聘期不足两年的其他教员可应要求提供条件良好的改装电脑.

  • 教练——全职合同超过两年的教练有资格使用新的标准电脑.

  • 助理教练——兼职教练通常没有资格使用皇冠体育学院的电脑.

  • Lectures, adjuncts, 访问学者通常不会收到皇冠体育学院的电脑,除非他们的责任范围发生了变化或扩大.

  • Emeriti的教职员工可以保留他们目前发放的电脑,但在四年保修期到期后,他们就没有资格享受标准的更新程序了

Student Workers

Student employees/workers are not eligible for a college-issued computer. 学院不会为学生雇员购买新机器提供资助. 

Hardware Replacement Lifecycle


皇冠体育购买的电脑有保修期,每四年更换一次. 这种替换资格包括作为员工主要电脑发放的台式电脑和笔记本电脑. 用部门和研究基金购买的辅助电脑,不得用ITS基金资助更换.


Pomona printers are not on a standard replacement schedule.


The department must also purchase paper and toner.


All copiers on campus are on a five-year lease through Canon. If you have an issue with a copier, please put a ticket in with ITS, but it may be escalated to Canon for repair.

Monitor Replacement

Monitors are not on a regular replacement cycle. Funding typically comes from the requesting department.

Secondary Dock Purchasing

ITS will provide laptop users with one dock, but if a second dock is requested, it will be charged to the requesting department

Hardware Disposal and Donation

All retired equipment must be returned to ITS. Pomona ITS works with the Claremont School District to dispose of our used assets. Before donating them to the school district, the items are thoroughly erased and removed from the inventory system.
