
The range and quantities of hazardous substances used on the 皇冠体育大学 campus require chemical safety training in order to minimize accidental chemical releases and ensure that when one does occur, 它以安全的方式处理. For this reason, Chemical Safety Training is required for all students who work with chemicals.

Only knowledgeable and experienced personnel should handle cleanup of a chemical spill. 如果有任何泄漏或泄漏, there is the possibility of an adverse exposure to occupants in the affected area(s), and the area should be evacuated immediately.

If there is the slightest doubt on how to proceed, do not hesitate to call for assistance:

皇冠体育大学 Environmental Health and Safety Office 909-607-7359
皇冠体育大学 Facilities and Campus Services 909-621-8300


Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) provide spill and leak procedures for individual chemicals. This information should be reviewed during training conducted under either the Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) or the Laboratory Standard (29 CFR 1910.1450). Copies of SDSs should be received with shipments of new materials and maintained in each applicable work location.

Spill kits should be available to clean up minor spills. The SDS will provide instructions and proper personal protective equipment requirements for cleaning up minor spills. Spill kits are commercially available from most chemical supply companies. If assistance is needed in obtaining an appropriate spill kit, contact the 皇冠体育大学 Environmental Health and Safety Office at 909-607-7359.


A 轻微的化学 spill is one where the individual(s) responsible for the spill feel(s) that they are capable of handling the spill safely without the use of respiratory protection or the assistance of specially trained emergency response personnel (Hazardous Waste Operations and 紧急 Response: 29 CFR 1910.120).

The 皇冠体育大学 Environmental Health and Safety Office (909-607-7359) is equipped to handle most spills that occur at the College. If there is no answer, call Campus Safety at 909-607-2000.

All other chemical spills are considered major spills. 在这些情况下, call Campus Safety immediately (909-607-2000), and they will contact the necessary response personnel to do the clean up. If possible, provide the following information:

  • 您的姓名和电话号码
  • Identity of material and amount spilled
  • Time and location of spill: building, room and where in the room



In the event of a minor spill of hazardous material:

  • Alert people in the immediate area of spill.
  • Wear protective equipment as needed, including safety goggles or face shield, gloves and lab coat. Consult the SDS for proper personal protective equipment requirements.
  • 避免吸入泄漏的蒸汽. Increase area ventilation by turning on hoods and opening windows.
  • Confine spill to small area with absorbent materials.
  • Use an appropriate spill kit to neutralize and absorb inorganic acids and bases. 其他化学品, use appropriate kit or absorb spill with vermiculite, dry sand or diatomaceous earth and paper towels.
  • 收集残留物, 放入有盖的容器中, 封条和标签, and contact 皇冠体育’s Environmental Health and Safety Office at 909-607-7359 for proper disposal information. After business hours, call Campus Safety (909-607-2000).
  •  用水清洗泄漏区域.


This could include broken thermometers and CFL light bulbs.

  • Report mercury spills that are not contained or that could result in environmental contamination to Campus Safety (909-607-2000).
  • Gloves, eye protection and a lab coat should be worn in the area of a mercury spill.
  • 如果地板上有污染, prevent the mercury from spreading by isolating the area if possible (barrier tape, 封闭的门).
  • Contained material should be placed in a sealed, labeled container—polyethylene containers are best. Call 皇冠体育’s Environmental Health and Safety Office at 909-607-7359 for disposal information.


In the event of a major spill of hazardous material:

  • Evacuate and immediately call Campus Safety (909-607-2000) with the following information for emergency response personnel:
    • 您的姓名和电话号码
    • Identity of material and time of spill
    • 位置 of spill: building, room, location in room
    • 溢料量
    • 接触化学物质的人数
  • Attend to injured or contaminated persons and remove them from exposure. 以防个人感染, remove affected clothing and flush contaminated skin with water for at least 15 minutes. 立即就医. 如果可以的话,带上SDS.
  • Alert people in the surrounding area to evacuate. If there is no health or safety risk, turn off ignition and heat sources.
  • 关闭 doors (do not lock them) to affected area once the area is evacuated.
  • Have someone knowledgeable of the incident and the laboratory available to assist emergency personnel when they arrive.