
学生' financial accounts are required to be current and up to date at all times. All outstanding past due balances must be paid by the first week of classes each semester. 如果学生正在接受联邦或大学贷款, all promissory loan notes must be signed by the required date shown on the 校历 each semester.

家庭 of 皇冠体育大学 学生s may choose between two different billing schedules—每月付款计划 或者一个 基本计划,每学期一次付款. Please read the following information carefully as you decide which plan best suits your needs and begin making your financial arrangements.



月供计划允许家庭分摊学费, 住房和食物, 以及整个学年的学费. 每学期有四次分期付款, 一学年共八次付款. 付款应在每个结算月的开始. 秋季学期付款从8月1日开始,11月1日结束. 春季学期的付款从1月2日开始,到4月1日结束. Miscellaneous charges such as parking citations and health center fees are due and payable in the month billed. 这些费用不会分摊到你剩余的月供中.


If you do not elect to use the Monthly Payment Plan, you will be billed one payment per semester. You will receive your fall semester statement in mid-July for payment due August 1, and your spring semester statement in mid-December for payment due January 2. You will also receive a statement any month in which miscellaneous charges are billed. 这些费用应在当月到期支付.


We’ve partnered with Transact Campus to offer international 学生s a secure and seamless way to pay tuition and fees in your currency of choice. 不用离开CASHNet页面, you can quickly and conveniently make an international payment from over 160 countries, 使用包括支付宝在内的130多种货币, 微信, 以及其他流行的付款方式.

您可以方便快捷地进行国际银行转账, 信用卡, 或来自160多个国家的电子支付, 使用包括支付宝在内的130多种货币, 微信, 以及其他流行的付款方式.


  • 享受外汇兑换率优惠 零国际电汇或银行转账费用.
  • Rate details are presented directly in your account based on the country selected.
  • 银行转帐的最佳价格保证: Transact International Payments is dedicated to ensuring that 学生s pursuing higher education receive the best rates for international bank transfers via our platform.


Transact Payments provides support for international payments through TransferMate.



皇冠体育学院与 PayMyTuition 支付国际学费. 与PayMyTuition, 你可以从任何一家银行支付学费, 在任何国家,任何货币都比银行汇率好. PayMyTuition快速、简单、经济.





打电话给1.855.663.6839(免费电话)或通过他们的任何一个 当地联系电话. 你也可以通过以下方式联系PayMyTuition Support support@paymytuition.com 或者通过他们 支持页面.

不管你在哪个时区, you will have a dedicated customer support team available to you through live chat, email and phone to answer any of your questions and help you make your payment.

Convera GlobalPay -国际支付

皇冠体育大学 and Convera have partnered through CASHNet to provide a convenient way for you to make payments for your tuition and other fees. 一旦你登录CASHNet并选择了Convera, 您将被引导到Convera学生支付平台. Convera’s platform is trusted by 800+ institutions worldwide to enable payments in 140+ currencies across 200+ countries and territories.


  • 学生, parents, and sponsors can use this platform to pay deposits, tuition fees and more
  • 避免银行收取昂贵的交易费用
  • Pay online via popular options including bank transfer, credit, or debit card or eWallet
  • Compare payment options instantly and Convera holds the exchange rate for 72 hours
  • If you find a cheaper quote from your bank, Convera will match it with their Price Promise Guarantee
  • 通过短信和电子邮件跟踪您的付款状态
  • 多语种平台,支持10种语言
  • 访问平台上的24/7实时聊天或皇冠体育的友好团队
  • A platform built with security in mind so that your money is protected
  • 如果情况发生变化,能够轻松发起退款
  • Pay your fees via a global partner which has been helping 学生s achieve their education dreams for over a decade
  • 方便付款,当您登录到您的CASHNet帐户- 如何付款
  • 其他信息,请参见 提示 & 常见问题

返回支付 & 拖欠帐款

因资金不足而被银行退回的款项, 撤销授权, 或者一个n invalid routing/account number are subject to a returned payment fee of $25 for the first incident and $35 for second incident. 如果你的付款在到期日之前没有收到, a Business Hold will be placed on the account and a late payment charge will be assessed at the rate of $25 per month until the past due account is paid in full. 学生 who have outstanding charges at the end of a semester will be placed on a business hold and will not be allowed to register for the next semester. Graduating seniors who have outstanding charges will have diploma withheld until all bills have been paid.


Housing and food payments cover rent and the cost of meals during and just prior to the opening of classes. 学生 may change meal plans until the 10th day of classes through the Office of Campus Life. The College will cover the 住房和食物 costs for new 学生s if they are asked to arrive prior to that date, and f或者一个ny returning 学生s who are needed to assist with the opening activities.

The housing agreement does not include the use of rooms during summer or during winter vacations; the College reserves the right to assign other persons to rooms during these periods. 学生 who wish to stay on campus during these periods must request special arrangements with the Office of Campus Life. If such a request is approved, there will be a nominal charge for the privilege. 学院的食堂通常在这段时间关闭.


如果您邮寄付款而不是使用ACH付款, please send your check payable to 皇冠体育大学 (with 学生's ID number) to:

P.O. 22390箱
洛杉矶,CA 90074-2390

洛杉矶,CA 90065


Outside scholarship checks should be sent directly to the 财政援助办公室 at:
333 N. 大学的方式
克莱蒙特 CA 91711


学生可以在网上浏览和支付 皇冠体育学院门户网站 网站. 一旦学生批准了额外的派对, 他们会收到一封带有家长PIN和密码的电子邮件, 以及一个专门为家长登录的CASHNet链接. 不接受信用卡. 有关此过程的任何问题,请发送电子邮件 学生.accounts@xmhtjflaw.com.


You will not see a credit on your statement for payment of the first-year deposit. Deposits are held in a separate account and will be refunded directly to the 学生 upon graduation (or withdrawal) from the College after settlement of the final bill.


The 学生账户 Office and the 财政援助办公室 are two separate offices who work closely together. 如果您对您的学生账户报表有疑问, 请联系学生账户(909)621-8214. 如果你对你的“经济援助办公室”有疑问,请致电(909)621-8205联系经济援助办公室.